Top 4 Reasons To Rely On Professional Asphalt Driveway Repairs In Long Island

Driveways are the major component for any home and business. Though driveways are used on a daily basis and can go through extreme weather (from cold winter days to hot summer depending upon the location), it stands to reason that they will break, crumble or need professional repairs of some kind. Some homeowners or business owners think that repairing an asphalt driveway in Long Island is not worth their time, as it will just back to being used the same as before it needed work. In fact, there are so many benefits to make sure that a driveway is repaired and working properly. One more thing remember that, driveways that are taken care of very well can last along as 50 years provides the homeowners making the less asphalt driveway repairs in Long Island throughout this time period.
asphalt repairs longisland
1. Give Suggestions On Driveway Maintenance and Repair –
Driveways can take a lot of ill-usage on how often they are used, as well as the lifestyle of the homeowner. If you own a business, the asphalt driveway should be strong enough to hold heavy equipments. No matter whether it’s your business or lifestyle, you should maintain the asphalt driveway in the long run. Professional contractors can also provide you with the best ways to protect the driveway from harsh elements so that it will need less repair in Long Island.

2. Deliver Good Results –
Certified contractors providing asphalt driveway repairs in Long Island are thorough in their preparation making sure you’ve a perfect drainage system and installing a stable sub base before puring any asphalt on to it. They will provide personalized attention to every detail so that you’ll be left with a smooth, durable parking space.

3. Save Money –
If you’re going to install a parking lot yourself, think twice. It’s obvious that you’ll figure out how to lay pavement and you’ll likely get affordable materials from different retailers. Doing it on your own may save you money initially. But your lack of proper skills and access to superior quality materials can ensure expensive repairs in the future.

When investing in professional asphalt repairs in Long Island, you’ll be assure of getting superior, long lasting results. Usually, asphalt contractors install and maintain parking lots for a living. After all, they have expertise and tools to get the job done perfectly and efficiently. They will surely spot and identify potential problems and fix them before developing into bigger yet much expensive issues. So, it’s wise to use your money to further your investments, not to pay for damage controls.

4. Save Time –
If you run a business, you’ve employees and customers all vying for your attention. You simply don’t need to spend an afternoon filling cracks and repainting faded lines in your parking lot. Hiring a company for asphalt driveway repairs in Long Island can do your work!

Conclusion –
Better Road Construction offers quality asphalt driveway repairs in Long Island at reasonable costs. Our certified contractors will work with you to develop and execute a suitable as well as effective maintenance plan. Let you take care of your asphalt repairs  and surely you’ll be free to focus on other important aspects of building your business. Get in touch with experts providing asphalt repairs in Long Island at Better Road Construction today and discover on your own!

For more information about our website, please make a visit to our website today or contact online!

Why Fall Is the Ideal Time To Sealcoat Your Long Island Driveway

Seal coating is recommended as a standard form of care for asphalt surfaced structures such as parking lots or driveways. If you have a property or business in Long Island, you may ponder if a driveway sealcoating in Long Island is really essential or if it is something you can avoid to save money. In this post, we will cover the several reasons to seal coat your parking lot or driveway this fall.

Sealcoating boosts pavement lifespan:

Sealcoating incorporates a defensive layer over your parking lot or driveway, a shield that safeguard it from the hazardous elements. This is especially vital as we are getting closer to the winter season that’ll bring precipitation, cold temperatures and frost.

Prevent high repairing expenditures:

Without sealcoating your driveway or parking-lot is revealed to the outdoor elements, which can produce damage like potholes and cracks. Fixing these injuries can be costly, and if damage is not controlled then it could lead you to install a whole new parking lot or driveway. These costly repairs can be kept in check by having access to professional Long Island sealcoating services.

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Sealcoating safeguards against water & freeze-thaw cycle:

An exposed parking lot or driveway that isn’t sealed is susceptible to the outdoor elements,  especially water damage. This issue can be deteriorated over the winter months when water can  leak in minute openings then freeze. Glaciated water swells, and this makes larger openings and other types of damages. Sealcoating can prevent this type of damage as it closes the small openings and keep water out.

Sealcoating averts destruction from auto fluids:

Asphalt is made of petroleum, and when auto fluids like gas and oil fall over the facade it can dispersed into the asphalt, weakening the surface and ultimately causing breakages & cracks. Gas and oil are  inescapably going to fall onto your parking lot or driveway. You can clean out the spills, but you can also safeguard your driveway or parking lot from this destruction with sealcoating.


Fall is the ideal time to sealcoat your asphalt:

Sealcoating isn’t a task that can be handled in every season. Fall and springs are the ideal period to seal coat because sealcoating needs temperatures above 50 degree and a complete day without heavy rainfall. Fall is also the best time since it permits you to safeguard your driveway just before the winter season hits.

Sealcoating isn’t something that you should ignore- though it may save you some cash temporarily, it’ll inescapably cost you big time in the long  run as your parking lot starts to break and weaken.

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Why Asphalt Sealcoating Is A Must

There’s a saying that I often heard that “your asphalt shouldn’t be sealcoated because it requires to take in air”. I cannot tell you exactly how many times I heard this misguided point of view in my life as a Long Island asphalt maintenance contractor.

To the “nay sayers” benefit, I’ll admit that there’s some reality to the above mentioned statement. New asphalt shouldn’t be sealcoated in the 1st 90 days-6 months. The reason behind this is new asphalt passes through a curative stage in which chemicals are discharged from the asphalt. An indication that your asphalt is still going through this stage is that there must be a rain bowish shade to water when the blacktop is damp. This is the water & chemicals still blending.

Following the healing practice has finished, it’s time to sealcoat your blacktop. If your blacktop isn’t sealed it’ll oxidize and start to weaken. If you ever have observed how the shade of new asphalt transforms from black to brown to grey to white – let me aware you that this is direct impact of water, sun light and other outdoor conditions.

Asphalt Sealcoating

Only asphalt sealcoating in Long Island can safeguard your blacktop from the weakening sourced by corrosion. If blacktop becomes corrodes it loses some of its flexible attributes, which can upshot in cracking. Another important advantage of sealcoating is the defense from oil and gasoline. Regrettably, oil, gasoline and the chemicals in the blacktop binder are all petroleum based stuff. Why should that matter? Being that these are same supply in the earth, they’ve a natural penchant to bond collectively. The upshot of this association is the gasoline and oil weakens the blacktop binder. Once the blacktop binder is weakened that stone begins to discharge from the surface.

Asphalt Sealcoating

So the next time if anyone says you that you should not sealcoat your asphalt, please forward them to this post. If they ignore, let them manage the high expenditure of substituting their blacktop or paying heavily for crack fixing.

Contact Better Road Construction for any kind of Long Island Sealcoating Services. For more information, visit or stay social with us on Facebook, Twitter and Google+

Top Benefits of Sealcoating your Asphalt Driveway in Long Island

Do you know sealcoating your asphalt driveway at your Long Island property helps in extending its life? Your damaged asphalt driveways can lead to expensive and difficult repairs. In order to avoid this type of inconvenience, you need to maintain your asphalt driveways with top quality sealcoating service in Long Island, which is one of the best and most effective ways. It is believed that sealcoating is an easy and inexpensive process that will extend life of your driveway and keep it in a great condition.

Working with a reputable sealcoating contractor in Long Island will help you in getting a perfectly executed sealcoating job for your driveways, which will offer great benefits like:

asphalt driveway sealcoating

#1- Make your Driveway Weatherproof:
Sealcoating the asphalt driveway at your Long Island property will protect it from rain, snow and water overflow. One of the main degrading factors of your asphalt driveway is water damage. Normally when water seeps into cracks and pavement, then it erodes the ground beneath your driveway. This issue can be avoided with sealcoating, which will cover all small cracks in your asphalt driveway and prevent water from causing any kind of damage.

#2- Offers Sun Protection:
Do you know UV rays can also affect the longevity of your asphalt driveway? The harmful UV rays cause oxidation, which results in driveway deterioration. In this case sealcoating acts like a sun block and prevents the harmful UV rays from aging or damaging your asphalt driveway.

#3- Keep Safe from Contaminants:
Contaminants like gas, oil and other substances generally eat away your asphalt driveway’s surface. Sealcoating your asphalt driveway will act as a protective barrier, which the driveway resistant to gasoline and other contaminants. A perfectly done sealcoating will fill all small cracks and other damages, which prevents any kind of chemical or gasoline leakage when spilled on the driveway’s surface. This will ensure a well maintained driveway.

#4- Enhance Durability:
Normally, the asphalt driveway at your Long Island property goes through a lot of traffic wear and tear as well as it has to face weather nuances. This makes your driveway vulnerable and leads to damage. In this case, opting for sealcoating will prove to be effective as it works as a protective layer and helps in enhancing your driveways durability.

#5- Proves to be Inexpensive:
Sealcoating your asphalt driveway will prove to be a cost-effective way of preventing costly repairs. By relying on a reputable sealcoating contractor, you will get an affordable yet reliable asphalt sealcoating that will keep your driveway in a top form.

Sealing Asphalt Driveway

You can opt for a reliable asphalt driveway sealcoating in Long Island from Better Roads Construction that will not only extend your driveway’s life, but also improve its curb appeal. We are proud to be known as one of the competent and trustworthy Long Island sealcoating contractors. With Better Roads Construction, you will get quality workmanship and great results.

Please feel free to contact us today at (631) 953-3104.

Four Crucial Considerations for Asphalt Construction & Repair

The look of your asphalt makes the 1st impression for your home or business establishment. As the point of attention for guests and passersby, an appealing driveway adds immense value to your hard-earned investment.  While planning for a driveway repair or construction, it’s essential to throw attention to many aspects that associate to design & function likewise. Here are a few crucial considerations when starting any driveway construction or repair project in Long Island, NY.

Asphalt Repairs Long Island

Choosing a pro asphalt paving & repair service:

Hiring the service of a specialist asphalt repairs in Long Island is critical in any driveway construction or repair process. Door-to-door services with ‘additional asphalt’ or sealant that provides you a great deal on the spot, could be cheaters. However, hiring a reliable asphalt service in Long Island with stern specifications, practices, and installation methods makes sure top-notch results.

Placement of asphalt construction:

Another advantage of working with a reputed Long Island asphalt professional is that they can assist to protect and improve the natural look of your landscapes. Rocks, trees, and open landscaping can be preserved, while your pavement can be tactically designed to complement the existing landscape. Keeping your pavement some distance from deep rooted shrub and trees will further assist stop potential penetrations & cracks in the concrete as the 2 battle for space.

Atlanta Asphalt Repairs

Subgrade surface formulation:

The subgrade is an essential element of any asphalt pavement installation. It caters as the podium for your pavement. Beyond the appropriate choice of materials, your asphalt contractor should further compact, mark, and handle the subgrade with a soil sterilizer to stop future vegetation escalation. Contractors will check the whole pavement area for any ‘delicate spots’ and will sort out them before persisting with the pavement overlay practice.

Appropriate driveway drainage:

Pavements with awful drainage system have a shorter lifetime and need more regular repairs and maintenance. Standing water harms the materials and honesty of asphalt layout. Over time these penetrations will upshot in cracks & holes that demand driveway repairing rather frequently.

Asphalt Repairs Long Island

Even on plain areas, asphalt needs a minimum of 2% slope and a crest of at least a quarter-inch per foot for appropriate sewage. Considerations for sewage include assessing the possible garbage from any nearby structure’s downspouts, alleys and porches. Special considerations may comprise the fitting of tube cross drains underneath the pavement to change the direction of the water.

For professional asphalt repair & blacktop paving in Long Island, contact Better Roads Construction. With us you will always get a wonderfully finished asphalt work at an unbelievable price. To take advantage of our offerings, call us now at (914) 906-7717.

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Four Methods Employed by Long Island Excavating Contractor

Excavation, a vital construction practice is mainly performed for new constructions and exclusion of contaminated soil. It engages the excavating of sites for new buildings and setting the foundation. There’re 4 methods used by Long Island Excavating contractors to perform excavation  and they’re the following:

Vertical excavation:
This technique is employed in case of big urban sites with several deposits of occupancy. In this procedure, all the deposits are uncovered in vertical pieces. Oldest excavation technique involving perpendicular digging was Wheeler Box Grid system. Keyhole excavation technique is one of the latest instances of a vertical excavation procedure.

Horizontal excavation:
This is yet another crucial technique which is employed in case of shallow locations with only 2 or 3 layers of occupancy. There’re many cases in which there’s a need of horizontal & vertical digging alike. In such circumstances, both these techniques are merged.

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Step trenching:
This technique is generally employed in sites where deep digging is required. The procedure engages opening of a big area on the surface which gets smaller in dimension as its goes downhill.

This is yet another crucial procedure for performing excavation. It’s mainly employed in places with profound excavation and where sides look to break down. It’s  employed in case of soaked niches.

All the procedures are very crucial and performed according to the requirements of the location. However, you can anticipate better outcomes only if you hire professional Long Island excavating contractors with appropriate experience, knowledge and tools.

Well, the internet is possibly the best place to look for quality and professional Long Island excavation services. Many sites are accessible with comparison features, so one can compare the charges and features of numerous excavation experts and go for the one that best fit their budget and needs.

Better Roads

Contact Better Roads Construction if you’re in search of a professional Long Island excavating contractor. We are proudly serving the New York and Long Island area. For more information about our service, visit us or dial us at .

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Four Questions to Ask Your Long Island Sealcoating Contractors

The reason you prefer sealcoat asphalt roadway is to broaden the life of the pavement investment. It is as straightforward as that. Whether sealcoating contractors are sealcoating parking lots or driveways, the original asphalt road investments by customers is important. So anything the Long Island sealcoating contractors can do to slow down the pace of pavement worsening enhances the life cycle expenditures of that roadway investment. And sealcoating as part of a complete asphalt road maintenance program – plays a crucial part in improving pavement life.

Several homeowners prefer to seal driveway asphalt on their own. But this is not a small investment as the expenses for a sealing a driveway might range from $200-$400 per 1,000 square feet. So you wish to ensure it is done perfectly to prevent further harm to your asphalt or concrete.

If you have decided to hire a Long Island sealing contractor to seal your asphalt, be certain to ask the following queries to discover the most eligible contractor for the responsibility:

Better Roads & Drives

What sort of sealing chemicals do you employ?
Diverse chemicals have diverse properties & effects. Water based adhesives are secure, but usually wear off quicker. Urethane, acrylic and others boost the danger of fire since they contain combustible constituents. The glossiest water defiant sealcoating may make the asphalt treacherously slippery, particularly if you reside in a zone where rain, snow and ice are usual.

Do you disperse the sealant?
Some asphalt contractors disperse their sealer to save some money, but the outcome is not exactly you are looking for. Ensure they use the sealant as indicated by the manufacturer.

How do you spread out the sealer?
The firsthand brush method is the one that most people look for because it makes sure even distribution of the sealer. Alternatives can make sealing mesh, which upshot in a pavement excessively sheltered in a few places and not at all in others.

Will you mend existing cracks prior to applying sealer?
It is essential to repair breaks in your pavement prior to sealing it, but be certain to find a price estimation for that asphalt or concrete repair besides the asphalt sealing work. If the breaks are negligible, repair them on your own by clearing them of broken edges and garages and after that filling them with a material, for example concrete sealer, pourable grout, or textured caulk.

Better Roads & Drives

Do you need to seal your concrete or asphalt driveway in Long Island, New York? Call Better Roads Construction for out-of-the-box Long Island Sealcoating Services. From paving & sealcoating to repairs & maintenance, we do everything to ensure our clients each and every asphalt need is met with utmost convenience. Please feel free to call us at (914) 906-7717!

For more details, stay social with us on Facebook and Google+